Minggu, 14 Desember 2008


Mutually agree to that method study of mathematics is very important to solve internal issue study of mathematics. To finish the problem of people have to master things which have studied before all and later then used it in the new situation. In consequence, presented problem to educative participant have to according to ability and readiness of educative participant and also the process of him cannot finished with routine procedure. So the method study of mathematics can be adapted it.
The teach mathematics Method is the way or technical which arranged systematically and logic. observed from mathematics reality side and his psychology. the Solution of mathematics problem always used deductive method. Reasoning it is Common sense of is deductive- logic which on basically contain sentence " if...,then...". a truth mathematics developed best on logic reason . the Best model for the thing of mathematics is logic to advantage of symbolic logic..


They affirmed the benefits of ‘Peer-teaching’ to autonomous attitude First, it encourages the learners to rely on each other. Second, learners can get feed back from peers. Finally, they have more time and chances to get involved in a task. Thus, learners should be given many more chances to ‘peer-work’ such as pair work or group work as possible. As far as we are exploring, there is a range of different reciprocal peer teaching activities to suit different course contexts and to foster different learning outcomes. The followings are typical types of peer teaching activities introduced by Anderson and Boud (1996: 52) in the writing “Role of peer teaching in university courses” (1996):
Student-led workshops in which the students themselves are responsible for designing and conducting a workshop for their peers, thus learning about working as a member of a team as well as researching the content for the workshop.
‘Learning exchanges’ or formal class presentations in which students learn about a topic directly from their peers whilst also learning from the experience of delivering their own presentations and receiving critical feedback.
Seminar presentations in small groups or pairs following a completed shared project or assignment.
Work-in-progress reports by individuals or groups working together on a project or assignment, followed by questions and discussion.
Debriefing sessions following a field placement, industrial visit or work experience program.
Peer feedback, whereby peers comment on each other’s assignments according to agreed criteria and the results discussed.
Study groups, with or without staff facilitation, which meet inside or outside class on a regular basis either for specific tasks or as a learning support network.
Learning partnerships between two students provide a means of encouraging a more collaborative approach to learning while offering personal support outside the classroom.